Yes, we're looking for you to write a review. Jot down your thoughts about a book, movie, or other library item and share them with us. We'd love to know what you think, and we're sure others would, too.
Maybe you were captivated by the storyline and characters in a book; maybe you hated the whole thing - it doesn't matter! Your very own takeaway is what we're looking for, and we want to share your thoughts on our Bernardsville Public Library Facebook page. We're even utilizing a special Facebook archive system called Notes that enables people to easily find and read these reviews.
What do we want from you? Simply write a brief review, one or two paragraphs will do, and drop it off at the front desk OR email it to Please be sure to indicate if we can use your name. We will be happy to consider your review and may edit it for clarity and length. Don't worry about how well you write, just speak from the heart. Some of our staff members are also participating, and we look forward to seeing your review there, too. Here is the first Bernardsville Review on our Facebook page.