Saturday, August 29, 2015

September Selfies for Library Card Sign-Up Month!

IMG_9955While libraries are observing Library Card Sign-Up Month in September, Bernardsville Library will celebrate its members by affording them a fun social media opportunity. New card holders and those who already have a Bernardsville Library card are invited to get "framed" by holding up the special "I Got Carded At Bernardsville Library" picture frame and snapping a selfie. What better way to show one's pride in being a card-carrying member of the greatest free institution of learning, enrichment, and enjoyment - the public library!
In addition to photos of themselves, patrons may take pictures of their friends or children getting carded, too.  Subsequent options are for patrons to keep the selfies in their own albums, to post these photos on their social media networks with the hashtag #BernardsvilleLibrary, or to email selfies to us for library publicity purposes. We hope to see lots of them circulating soon as we increase our membership numbers!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Go Set A Watchman: Tell Us What You Think

The newly released4 novel "Go Set A Watchman" pre-dates Harper Lee's masterpiece, "To Kill a Mockingbird," yet reactions to its storyline have been swift and furious even though some people haven't read it.  Have you finished "Go Set A Watchman," and do you hold an opinion you'd like to share with us about this early Harper Lee book? We'd love to hear from you!  
If you're local, feel free to write up a short review or even a few lines that we can post on our Book Review bulletin board.  So far we have three reviews, but no consensus about the book. That means we need to hear from you!  If you prefer, feel free to comment on our Facebook page at the special post pinned to the top. Connect with us here: Either way, your reviews would be greatly 123appreciated.